Thursday, July 19, 2012

Place Values with Decimals!

As we continue the trek we all know that we need certain pieces of equipment to finish the trek. We could try and run the race with just socks on, but we would not be able to go on some of the paths even if we wanted to and the trek would get more and more painful and frustrating. We need another piece of equipment to make it further into the trek. Just as we need pieces of equipment to make it along the trek we need many pieces of knowledge in math to learn how to solve problems. As the problems get harder we need to add more knowledge (or equipment) along the way and build on previous knowledge so that students can finish the trek with minimal strain and frustration. How will you equip your students? Who knows we just might have a photo finish at the end of the trek where we need to use tenths, hundredths, or even hundredths of a second!
Last time we talked about place values. Today we are going to talk about place values with decimals. I am going to include some of the place values that we learned about before and then add a decimal into the number.

When you have a decimal in the number you know that you have a value on the right side of the decimal that is less than one but larger than zero.  Also note that we do not have a ones place on the right side of the decimal. The first place value on the right hand side of the decimal is called the Tenths place. The second place value right of the decimal is the Hundredths place. Then we have the Thousandths and Ten Thousandths places for the third and fourth place values on the right hand side of the decimal point. Take a peek that the chart below. When you watch the Olympics this summer you will see a lot of these numbers!

If you are still having problems with place values with a decimal please view the video below and then go here for more information.

Once you think that you have built onto your previous knowledge of place values and are proficient with place values with decimals try this fun Pirate Game! Have fun and I will see you all on the Math Trek!

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