Friday, July 20, 2012

Let's Talk Polygons!

One of the hardest things that I struggle with along the trek is the basics of running the trek. What pace to set for myself, and what to focus more on than other things so that I can run the race efficiently without slowing down or even stopping along the way. I find myself tripping over roots in my path and I wonder where these roots come from. Some of the biggest roots that trip me up are terminology. I struggle with knowing which terminology goes with which shape. Do I have it backwards or am I correct? There is a lot of terminology used on our math trek and I want to make sure that we all have

That being said the lesson on polygons got my mind racing again, because really the last time I had any education on polygons (except for this class) was many, many years ago. This is why I want to focus on some polygons, and convex and concave polygons for my next two posts.

             Now let’s start off by giving the definition of a polygon and some examples to show you what I am talking about.

 A polygon is- A plane shape (two-dimensional) with straight sides.

 Here is a picture of some regular polygons:

         Here is some pictures of shapes that are not polygons and some that are. We call these Non valid, and valid polygons. 

         There are many different polygon! Take a look at Math is Fun for more information on polygons. Also take some time to watch the video below if you are still struggling.

        After you have watched the video take a peek at this song. Songs always help me remember information better and it is always nice to have a song in your head to help you along the trek!
     When you feel that you have a good grasp of what a polygon is as well as what they are called please try out this fun game! I hope this helps you along the trek and I will be back again soon to review convex and concave polygons! Have fun on the trek and if you are struggling never be afraid to ask for help!

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